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About Our Neighborhood

Do you want to feel like you’re on vacation every day? With so many activities and services provided by Maverick Central Neighborhood Association, you won’t have to travel far. Imagine living in a community with elegant amenities, a wide range of facilities, friendly members to mingle with, fun events to attend, and a leadership team dedicated to making life easy. Our community is known for its high quality of life and sense of serenity that makes every day feel like a holiday.

Get in Touch
Modern Kitchen

Development Proposals



Prior to your first presentation, we require you to have your abutter's meeting.


We also encourage you to bring neighbors to the MCNA meeting and bring support letters prior to asking for a vote.


Developers must submit the following items to at least 2 weeks prior to the first meeting they hope to present:


Please be aware that submitting your materials on time is not a guarantee that we will be able to accommodate you in our agenda, but we cannot put you on the agenda before we have your materials. This includes:


  • A completed Project Information Form

  • A pdf copy of the presentation you plan on using for your presentation.

  • Existing and Proposed elevations in relation to surrounding properties.

  • Existing and Proposed property site plan(s).

  • Shadow studies on all sides.

  • Recent condition photographs showing subject and surrounding properties, building, and spaces from all sides.

  • A summary of zoning relief being requested including all:

    • variances

    • extensions of non-conforming uses, and/or

    • all conditional use permits

  • Examples/Samples and/or descriptions of building materials, design, and color elements.

  • Construction documents and specifications

  • Comparative list of violations (e.g. city/authority having jurisdiction requirement vs. proposed/designed)

  • Copy of Notification used to notify abutters


Development proposals must be presented at least twice, once to solicit community feedback and once to present any changes and receive a vote from the board and any eligible community members.


You may come back several times if you choose. The Board occasionally requests that projects be presented additional times prior to voting if the community does not have the information it needs to hold an informed vote.


Note: If 6 months elapse during which a project is not presented, it will need to be presented again as a first presentation (without a vote) and must return again for a vote.


We also encourage you to have an active role in our community prior to requesting community support of a project. This may include volunteering or giving back in some way. Organizations in our community include but are not limited to:

East Boston Pop Warner

East Boston YMCA

Paris Street Community Center

Eastie Farm

East Boston Community Soup Kitchen

Donald McKay School

Crossroads Family Shelter

Project Bread

Soccer Without Borders Boston

America SCORES

Animal Rescue League of Boston

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